12 Month Series | How To Grow As A Photographer: Start Your New Year Strong

Here we are again. Another year has passed and you had the opportunity to either grow and learn or just drift through the year. When we want to critically look at our lives and see what could’ve been improved, we really need to first know what it is we actually want.

Have you dreamt about finally starting that photography course or investing into new professional equipment? Or did you just decide it was not worth it for some reason?

If you've been feeling stuck on your photography journey and not sure how to grow as a photographer: join us for our 12 months of transformation and find direction in your practice.
Photo by Gui Spinardi on Pexels.com

Maybe it is time for you to start taking those small steps toward that dream. Because it really does start from taking that course you think won’t change anything. But once you look back, those are actually the choices that make a difference.

And really, what’s the alternative? Time still passes, and the least you could be doing is to make an effort for the things that you feel the pull towards.

We are here to help you with that. This is the starting of a 12-month long journey during which you’re going to take one step each month to create the life you want as a photographer.

And where you are now doesn’t matter – the steps you take depend entirely on you and what you want to get out of these 12 months.

The First Month: January – Get Clear About What You Want

This might sound like such a huge thing and if you feel anxiety arising – you’re on the right path. You will have to critically review your life and where you are now with your photography for you to make conscious changes.

Just take a pen and paper, and answer these questions:

What do you like to photograph the most?

How long have you been photographing?

Which photographers you see as an inspiration and why?

Take a look at last year; were there actions you could’ve taken to grow as a photographer?

What would the ideal situation be where you would have photography as a (main) income?

What do you see as an obstacle between you and your goals as a photographer?

What excuses have you been repeating to yourself to avoid moving forward?

By answering these questions and being honest with your answers, you should have a much clearer headspace in why you still are where you are right now.

Start Your Year Strong With The First Step

Now that you’ve done some self-reflection and written down your goals and obstacles, you can look at them with more compassion: are the obstacles actually there or have you just been making them up so that you could avoid taking responsibility?

Knowing what obstacles you’ve been using as an excuse to keep you in place in the past, you can start unwrapping them and building a much stronger foundation.

Becoming a photographer, whether it’s just part-time practice or a full-time business you’re wanting to head towards to, will require a clear strategy. or at least a clearer direction.

Writing everything down and seeing it in front of you gives you a wider perspective on where you are now and what are the next steps – even if the first steps are tiny.

Let your inner critic rest for this part – do not come up with all the reasons it hasn’t work out in the past. That won’t take you anywhere because remember – we’re here to make changes.

What you’re going to do this month is set out a task you will accomplish. Only one task, no matter how small it is.

Based on the answers you gave in the previous section, you will now decide on you task for the month.

To make it more appealing for you, write it down clearly and place it somewhere you can see it everyday.

If you've been feeling stuck on your photography journey and not sure how to grow as a photographer: join us for our 12 months of transformation and find direction in your practice.
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels.com

Your first step can be something along these:

Buying that $50 camera to start photographing

Applying to the creative academy you always wanted but thought you wouldn’t get in

Sending your portfolio to that magazine you’ve been reading for years

Asking your friends and family if you could take their portrait to learn more about photography

Taking that online photography course

Picking up a camera after many years

Finally starting the search for your own studio space to become more professional

See, it wasn’t that difficult.

Once you’ve written it down, let it sit there for couple of days.

Let it grow on you while you visualize about this goal coming true. And be mindful of not blocking this goal by letting your negative inner voice tell you it’s not possible.

If someone has done it before you, it’s possible.

Next step will take you closer to this goal. You’re now in for the ride so you might as well take it.

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