12 Month Series | How To Grow As A Photographer: Checking In With Your Energetics

Discover how to grow as a photographer and join us for this 12-month long exploration. Determine your photography skills, set goals, and achieve them.

We’ve now moving into the month of May, and hopefully the previous months laid the groundwork for your photographic goals. This month’s focus is on

If you’re reading this post before the previous ones; start by reading through the first months before starting the challenge:

12 Month Series | How To Grow As A Photographer: Start Your New Year Strong

12 Month Series | How To Grow As A Photographer: Focus On One Goal At A Time

12 Month Series | How To Grow As A Photographer: Frequently Asked Questions

12 Month Series | How To Grow As A Photographer: Ticking Off The First Goal

After reading the articles and starting from the first month, you will be able to do this following exercise.

Creation happens when you’re in a flow state, and many creators lack the right energetics to really tune into their inner creator.

You might’ve set goals for yourself that we’re to help you learn something or acquire better equipment for your practice. Besides that, growth is also a part of the creative process.

We mostly think of growth as doing more and growing through doing. Which is just a part of the puzzle. The other part is to do with self-reflection and inner work: the knowing what it is you’re doing and why you are doing it.

If you have successfully reached some of the goals you set for yourself at the beginning of this year, now set some time aside to dive deeper into the reasoning you’ve decide to take this direction.

Whether you managed to reach any of your goals or not, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is your ultimate goal you see yourself reaching after this 12 month long challenge?
  • Where do you see yourself blocking your own expansion as an artist?
  • How do you feel about creating new work? Does it feel like a challenge or something you feel energetically drawn to naturally?
  • How do you feel at the moment rating 1-10 (1= not inspired, 10= in a creative flow)?

Answering these questions will provide you with more awareness around your practice.

Where do you energetically see yourself as a photographer / photo artist?

This might be a tough one to answer. But let’s do a little exercise. Set aside 15 minutes for this.

If you feel it’s difficult to sit with your own thoughts, you can use this subliminal to raise your creative energies.

Close your eyes. Take a deep breath.

Think about your future self. When you’re thinking about them, how do you see them?

Are they successful?

What are they doing at the moment?

What kind of photography are they doing?

Now notice where do you feel them being:

Are they behind you?

Next to you, you’re feeling them on your shoulder?

Or maybe they’re somewhere ahead of you, and there’s a distance between you?

Let this feeling sit with you for a bit while you let the subliminal frequencies enter your body.

Envision yourself being the person you see yourself being, doing the things your future version is doing. They’re happy, being full-time artists/photographers and being able to live off of their knowledge. Immerse yourself in this version of you.

Now notice how you feel about your goals and the journey you decided to dive in during these 12 months.

You can do this exercise daily, or whenever you feel drawn to do it, and notice how you feel right after it.

After doing it for a while, you can ask yourself the questions above once again – now how have they changed?

You can also add some of your goals you’ve written for yourself into this visualization, and see yourself having them and enjoy the feeling of having them.

Implement this exercise into your day and spend at least 10 minutes daily in visualizing your future self. It is one thing to go after your goals through actions, instead, energetics and having the feeling of having those goals is equally important.

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